Development - The Next Tech


VR Development Guide: Choosing the Right Engine fo...
By: Evelyn Addison, Mon February 18, 2019

Growing virtual 3D worlds was a fantasy of developers for several decades. The digital reality, after a comedic fiction, is..


A Few Key Technologies In Modern Software Developm...
By: Alex Noah, Sun February 17, 2019

Computer software development is a lively world that’s highly connected to and determined by inventions. We’re seeing an enormous transformative..


What is Fixed Wireless 5G? Here’s All About You ...
By: Alex Noah, Wed February 13, 2019

If 2019 technician is going to probably be remembered for anything, it is going to be 5G. It is going..


Cloud Architecture and Cloud Computing Trends in U...
By: Alex Noah, Wed January 9, 2019

The technology game has now changed! With the advent of the world wide web, the improvements in computing and software..


Instagram, Oculus, WhatsApp, TBH and More: Here...
By: Alex Noah, Wed January 9, 2019

This story was originally released on Sept. 27, 2018, also has been upgraded. In March, the people heard of Facebook’s..

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